This Safeguarding Policy applies to Religions for Peace United Kingdom (“RfPUK”), it’s employees (if any), it’s trustees, volunteers and all others invited to work with RfPUK. RfPUK is committed to ensuring that all children and vulnerable adults have the same protection regardless of age, disability, gender, racial heritage, religious belief, sexual orientation or identity. RfPUK is committed to anti-discriminatory practice and explicitly recognises the additional needs of children and vulnerable adults from minority ethnic groups and the disabled and the barriers they may face, especially around communication. The law requires any organisation involving children or vulnerable adults to take all reasonable measures to ensure that the risks of harm to vulnerable adults' and children's welfare are minimised, and where there are concerns, to share them with statutory local agencies.
As a matter of good practice RfPUK has developed this policy to provide:
RfPUK recognises that it is not the role of our organisation to decide whether a child or vulnerable adult has been abused or not. This is the role of the Children’s Services and the Adult Care Services of the County Council or the Police who have powers to investigate.
In this context anyone up to the age of 18 is a child. A vulnerable adult is defined in the Care Act 2014 as someone over 18 years old who has care and support needs, is experiencing or at risk of abuse or neglect as a result of their care and support needs or is unable to protect himself or herself against the abuse or neglect or the risk of it. It may include adults with a learning or physical disability, a physical or mental illness, chronic or otherwise, including an addiction to alcohol or drugs, or reduced mental or physical or mental capacity. It can also include those who are temporarily vulnerable as a result of bereavement or trauma.
RfPUK is a registered interfaith peace charity managed by an executive committee and with trustees who are responsible for discharging the legal duties of the charity. To carry out its charitable objects it undertakes projects and holds events. Currently there are 2 members of employed staff and volunteers who help with our activities.
RfPUK does not advertise itself as an activity suitable for children or vulnerable adults but participant of activities with our UK Interfaith Youth Network and UK Women of Faith Network may very occasionally encompass individuals with needs. Therefore RfPUK recognises its responsibility to safeguard the welfare of children and vulnerable adults with whom it comes into contact, and believes that everyone has the right to enjoy and participate in events and activities organised by us in a happy, safe and secure environment.
The Trustees have therefore, agreed the following Safeguarding Policy.
A. RfPUK will publicise its Safeguarding Policy on its website and draw it to the attention of its volunteers, consultants and employees.
B. Should any child or vulnerable adult be invited to participate in any event or activities of RfPUK they must be accompanied by a parent or other responsible adult who remains responsible for them. It is the responsibility of the parent, guardian or carer to ensure adequate supervision. If a parent/guardian/carer is not personally attending an event this policy requires them to be satisfied that the child or vulnerable adult will be accompanied and adequately supervised by a responsible adult acting on their behalf at all times.
C. Privacy - Parents carers and guardians should be aware that photography, audio and video recording may be undertaken from time to time at our events. The images and recordings are used both on- and off- line including on the web. They provide valuable tools to promote the work of RFP. Should anyone have concerns regarding this they should advise the Designated Person (see below).
D. Abuse - RfPUK endeavours by the implementation of this safeguarding policy to protect and minimise the risks of abuse of children and vulnerable adults. The term child abuse is used to describe a range of ways that people harm children. Abuse of adults can happen anywhere. It can happen at home, in a residential or nursing home, in a hospital, at work or in the street. There are four main categories of abuse namely physical, sexual, emotional abuse and neglect. RfPUK notes the importance of being alert to signals of abuse and to the difficulty children or vulnerable adults may have in reporting it.
RfPUK will nominate a Designated Person in respect of safeguarding. The Designated Person, who is DBS checked, will undertake appropriate training as required and will be identified to children and vulnerable adults as the principal person they should turn to if they have any concerns or queries. Contact details for the Designated Person. Cinde Lee,
If any member, member of staff or volunteer witnesses or suspects or is informed of a witnessed or suspected case of abuse they should immediately report it to the Designated Person. Contact details for the Designated Person. Cinde Lee,
A] If the child or vulnerable adult is in immediate danger or needs emergency medical attention –call the police and/or the ambulance service.
B] If the person at the centre of the allegation is with the child or vulnerable adult at the current time – remove them in a sensitive manner from direct contact with the child or vulnerable adult and follow the procedure below.
C] Make a note of the concerns reported to them.
D] Refer to the police for serious or possible criminal offences.
E] Refer to the Children’s Services or the Adult Care Services of the County Council if the Designated Person considers it necessary for the care of the child or vulnerable person.
F] Report the matter to the Designated Person. Contact details for the Designated Person. Cinde Lee,
When RfPUK recruits staff, we apply safeguarding principles to ensure that appointees are suitable to work with children and vulnerable adults if such contact is anticipated.
An incident of abuse is likely to be a serious incident which must be reported by the Chair of Trustees to the Charity Commission. RfPUK will comply with the Charity Commission’s guidance for serious incidents.
This policy will be reviewed annually at the first meeting of the trustees following the AGM.
Adopted at the Board of Trustees meeting on 12th October 2020.